Friday, February 18, 2011

Logan is an Author!

Today Logan (5 years and one day old) told me he wanted to write a story. Okay buddy... what do you want to write? Well, Mom, I will tell you and you spell it for me. Okay bud... let's go!

First, the "artist" had to prepare. He needed water (in a no-spill cup so he wouldn't make a mess), his stickers (to aid the story), and his favorite pencil (newly sharpened of course).

So very slowly, letter by letter, he churned out his masterpiece...

Once upon a time (Chuck E.) was at home. He was reading a (book). Next (Chuck E.) went to Chuck E. (cheese).

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Make a wish and DIG IN!

Yes, the following picture was TOTALLY provoked by mom! :)

How old is Logan??

Party with Chuck E.!!!

Misc. pictures

Still more Snow.

This is my FAVORITE PICTURE!!! Love it.

Ahh... beer bottle caps, raisins, sticks, and celery (we were out of carrots).

Logan pics

Moody... or Model...

And this one freaked me out when I saw it... does anyone else see Preston in his face???