Logan comes running to me and I pick him up to see if he is okay. Damion tells me that he thinks that back of Logan's head is bleeding so I lay my look at my hand (that had been holding his head) and I see that I have blood pouring down my arm and dripping off my elbow!!
So now... even though I KNOW that head wounds bleed alot... I am NOT thinking this as I start screaming for the phone and running for the paper towels!
About 3 minutes later, I have my parents on their way, Mike coming home from work, Damion FREAKING out, bloody towels EVERYWHERE, and my fingers are ready to punch 9-1-1.
Fortunately, the bleeding subsided, I was able to see that it was a small-"ish" cut (smaller than I expected), and Logan seemed to be doing fine. Well, we waited about an hour to see what it would do and it continued to ooze... not really bleed... but not totally stopped.
Off to Urgent Care! Logan ended up with three staples in the back of his skull... poor kid! And at $357.00, we figure we spent $100.00 per staple and another $57.00 on a sticker and lollipop!!