It starts like this...
And here is the lip... so cute.
This was one weekend Grandpa Keith was here and we dug up the yard. Everyone pitched in and it took us all day, but we got it measured, tilled, fertalized, planted, and watered. Now... we wait.
Then... seemingly overnight we had a TON of stuff come up. We have spinach (not doing so well thanks to the hail in it's younger days), leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, mixed greens (partly bolted due to early heat), squash, zucchini, baby tomatoes, peppers, peas, and corn! Oh... and rabbits and deer and weeds...
BLACKMAIL! This is so unbelievably adorable and that I caught it on film is astonishing. That is what I call one awesome birthday present!
Awww, a compilation shot of the wonderful photos I got out of him this time around.
I love this one, I just wish that his mohawk would have stayed UP through the day.
I am unsure if this is a smile, a smirk, or a look at the photographer that says "Are you quite finished yet?"
And my favorite... he is growing up too fast, but so cute still!