Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thank goodness for Papa

Papa took some more pictures of the kindergarten ceremony and he went up closer to the stage so here are a couple more pictures from today.

Damion Graduates!

First, before I show you the too cute pictures of Damion's kindergarten performance, I should let you know that ANY picture you see here on the blog, I can print and send in the mail if yu want one. Just leave a comment or email me letting me know which pictures and what sizes you want. I will get them printed and mailed to you right away!

So, now for the big event. Damion's last day of kindergarten is tomorrow and the entire kindergarten class had a big performance today to show a bit of what they have learned throughout the year. Damion's class performed the "Barnyard Boogie." They all made their own rooster costumes!

This is a picture of Logan. We are unsure if he is bored or happy!

These are pictures of Damion with his teacher Mrs. Hoye. She had all of the children draw self-portraits of themselves at the beginning of the year (July) and then again at the end of the year (June). On the left is Damion's first self-portrait and the right is his picture now. He was also asked what he learned in kindergarten and he said, "I learned to walk in a straight line."

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rare Moments

Logan is such a happy kid and he is hardly ever sad or upset, but lately he does this silly little fake pout that is SO funny. Everyone who spends any time with him has seen it. He sticks his lip out, puts his head down and pretends to cry... but then you talk to him and you see that he is smiling as his head is buried... quite pathetic really!

Well, I finally got the opportunity to catch it all on film... this time it was because I wouldn't take more pictures of him!

It starts like this...

And here is the lip... so cute.

Vegetables for the Vegetarian

Ever since I decided to bcome vegetarian (since December) we have been spending a lot more money on fresh veggies at the store. So, to save a little money we decided to put a small garden in our back yard. We tilled up about a 16 x 10 foot area in front of the swing set and planted a lot of seed and a couple plants. We really didn't expect a whole lot since we had never had a garden before, but to our surprise, it's doing pretty well!

This was one weekend Grandpa Keith was here and we dug up the yard. Everyone pitched in and it took us all day, but we got it measured, tilled, fertalized, planted, and watered. Now... we wait.

Then... seemingly overnight we had a TON of stuff come up. We have spinach (not doing so well thanks to the hail in it's younger days), leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, mixed greens (partly bolted due to early heat), squash, zucchini, baby tomatoes, peppers, peas, and corn! Oh... and rabbits and deer and weeds...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Strawberry Dreams

We have a HUGE strawberry field near our home and I decided one day that I was going to take the boys to pick some. They really enjoyed themselves... and we got some delicious strawberries out of the deal.

Where's Logan!

Okay... I guess that the catch-up post was not quite enough for some... I suppose I can add some details on Logan as well.

Let's see what the camera archives can bring us.

Okay Ladies and Gentlemen. THIS is what happens when Mommy turns her back for a second to vaccum the living room. It is buttermilk pancake mix and I was in a serious debate with my self as to whether I should get mad and punish him... or grab my camera. They are only young once so the camera won.

BLACKMAIL! This is so unbelievably adorable and that I caught it on film is astonishing. That is what I call one awesome birthday present!

Mom's dilemma... wake him up NOW and move him, or wake up later when he goes BOOM on the floor!

Let's play catch-up!

Okay now... I guess the best way to play catch-up is to start with Kindergarten photos! These are his Spring photos and since this is his last week of school before he goes to the BIG 1, I should get the K photos out of the way!

Awww, a compilation shot of the wonderful photos I got out of him this time around.

I love this one, I just wish that his mohawk would have stayed UP through the day.

I am unsure if this is a smile, a smirk, or a look at the photographer that says "Are you quite finished yet?"

And my favorite... he is growing up too fast, but so cute still!


As we all know, Michael and I are what we call... "slack" when it comes to sharing pictures of our children. By the time everyone finally gets pictures, they are one year older and one foot taller! I know... what horrible parents... but we have come up with a solution!

Welcome to the "Adventures of the Younts boys" blog. Here, you can come to see what we have been up to and get the latest pictures of the boys. Ah, I know what you are thinking... "If she can't send pictures by email now why am I supposed to think she will update this site?" I know because I already thought of that. Well, besides the fact that my laptop is growing out of my right hip, I have another blog that I post to daily and I will do this one at the same time.

Anyway... welcome and I hope that you all finally get to see these children the way they were meant to be seen... IN ACTION!