Friday, August 1, 2008
Popcorn Anyone?
When Logan wants a snack during the day he has gotten into the habit of going into the pantry and grabbing what he wants and bringing it to me so that I can open it. Well, this day he decided he wanted popcorn. This wouldn't have been so bad if he brought me a bag, but no, he brought me the entire CASE of popcorn. And this is a BJ's super large case. I couldn't believe it!!
So we made popcorn and I put some in a little bowl and the rest in a bigger bowl. I tried to hand Logan the little bowl and he pouted at me and said: "No, that Mommy." HUH? I get the little bowl??
Needless to say, Mommy got the little bowl.
Damion is in First Grade!
Oh my. My "little" boy is now in first grade! He was allowed to pick out anything he wanted to wear for the first day and instead of shorts and a T-shirt, he decided on the "fancy" clothes!

Monday, July 28, 2008
Big Boys
I had the camera today and I wanted to take more pictures of Logan in his Big Boy Undies. He is doing realy, really well with potty training and we want to encourage him as much as we can.
While I am pointing the camera at Logan, I told him to "Show my his Big Boys." I obviously meant underwear, but instead, he grabbed himself and started yelling "TEE-TEE! TEE-TEE!"
Yes, I guess I will have to speak with his father about this whole "Big Boys" situation.
And this is just my little man telling me he loves me! AWWW...
Through the Eyes of a Child - Continued
Through the Eyes of a Child
The other day I was on the phone and I was listening to the boys in the background. Basically, I was just listening to make sure there was no scream of death, but other than that I was paying attention to the phone call. When the phone call was finished I walked into the living room to discover that the boys had jacked my camera and were snapping photos of everything!

I refrained from getting upset since the camera was fully functional still and the boys were SHARING! Instead, I kindly asked for the camera back and immediately plugged it up to the laptop to see what masterpieces my children had come up with. I have to say, maybe there is a slight bit of the photography gene in them!
Courtesy of Damion - Age 6
Oops, forgot to turn this one in Photoshop... but you get the idea.
Another not turned... goodness I am slack today. But this is his little vet kit case.
To Be Continued....
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